Alexei V. Finkelstein
Alexei V. Finkelstein, born 06/16/1947.
Graduated from the Moscow Phys.-Tech. (1970). Ph.D. in Biophysics (Phys.-Tech., 1976); D.Sc. in Biophysics (Moscow Lomonosov Univ., 1991). Full Professor (since 1997).
Since 1970, member of the Laboratory of Protein Physics (then headed by Prof. O.B. Ptitsyn) at the Institute of Protein Research, Russian Academy of Sciences. Graduate student (1971-74), junior (1974), senior (1980), leading 1996), chief (1999 г.) researcher at the same Laboratory. Heads this Laboratory since 1999, Head of the Department since 2017.
Professor of the Moscow Lomonosov University since 1998. Professor of the Pushchino State University (1993-98). Associate Professor of the Moscow Phys.-Tech. (1991-95). Soros Professor (2001).
Author of about 300 papers, of a book "Protein Physics", published in Russian (5 editions), English (2 editions), Chinese (2 editions), and of a book "Physics of Protein Molecules" (in Russian).
Citation index by the Google Scholar: >10000, Hirsch index: 47.
Area of expertise: protein physics; theory of protein structures, folding and design; thermodynamics and kinetics of transitions in proteins and amyloids; molecular physics; phase transitions; molecular force fields; molecular biology; bioinformatics.
Awards from FIRCA, INTAS, CASP, HHMI (3 times), Moscow Grant, NWO, etc.
Awarded by the State Prize of Russia in Science & Technology (1999).
Elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences (2008).
Selected Papers
Garbuzynskiy S.O., Finkelstein A.V. - Calculation of crystal-solution dissociation constants. - Biomolecules, 2022, 12, 147. .
Ivankov D.N., Finkelstein A.V. - Solution of the Levinthal's paradox and a physical theory of protein folding times. – Biomolecules, 2020, 10(2),
Melnik B.S., Glukhova K.A., Sokolova E.A., Balalaeva I.V., Finkelstein A.V. - A novel view on the mechanism of biological activity of antifreeze proteins. - BioRxiv, 2021.
Uversky V.N., Finkelstein A.V. - Life in phases: Intra- and inter-molecular phase transitions in protein solutions. – Biomolecules, 2019, 9: E842.
Bychkova V.E., Semisotnov G.V., Balobanov V.A., Finkelstein A.V. - The molten globule concept: 45 years later. - Biochemistry (Moscow), 2018, 83: S33-S47.
Finkelstein A.V., Badretdin A.J., Galzitskaya O.V., Ivankov D.N., Bogatyreva N.S., Garbuzynskiy S.O. - There and back again: Two views on the protein folding puzzle. – Phys. Life Rev., 2017, 21:56-71.
Dovidchenko N.V., Finkelstein A.V., Galzitskaya O.V. - How to determine the size of folding nuclei of protofibrils from the concentration dependence of the rate and lag-time of aggregation. I. Modeling the amyloid photofibril formation. - J. Phys. Chem. B, 2014, 118: 1189-1197.
Garbuzynskiy S. O., Ivankov D. N., Bogatyreva N. S. Finkelstein A. V. - Golden triangle for protein folding rates. - Proc.Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2013, 110: 147-150.
Ivankov D.N., Finkelstein A.V. - Prediction of protein folding rates from the amino-acid sequence-predicted secondary structure. - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2004, 101: 8942-8944.
Krieger E., Darden T., Nabuurs S.B., Finkelstein A., Vriend G. - Making optimal use of empirical energy functions: Force‐field parameterization in crystal space. - Proteins, 2004, 57: 678-683.
Ivankov D.N., Garbuzynskiy S.O., E. Alm E., Plaxco K.W., Baker D., Finkelstein A.V. - Contact Order Revisited: Influence of protein size on the folding rate. - Protein Science, 2003, 12: 2057-2062.
Galzitskaya O.V., Finkelstein A.V. - A theoretical search for folding/unfolding nuclei in three-dimensional protein structures. - Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 1999, 96: 11299-11304.
Finkelstein A.V. - 3D Protein Folds: Homologs against errors - a simple estimate based on the random energy model. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 80: 4823-4825.